Thursday, January 30, 2014

4 Common .NET Debugging Mistakes You Should Really Stop Making

Hi there!

I have recently published post in OzCode blog describing common debugging mistakes and some suggestions how to solve them. Hope you will enjoy reading it.

Happy coding!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Acyclic Visitor implementation without casting to concrete visitor types


Visitor is a powerful design pattern which gives strong advantages in design of an applications. In particular, visitor makes it possible to implement an visiting actions (an algorithms) over objects structures without changing it. Moreover, it is very convenient way to separate different action implementations in different visitor classes. It guides to think about single responsibility and open/closed principles.

public class MyVisitor
   public void Visit(SomeObjectA a)
       // Algorithm comes here

   public void Visit(SomeObjectB b)
       // Algorithm comes here

Acyclic visitor goes even farther and separates visitors for every object in the structure implementation into two separated (decoupled) classes. It gives a great power of extending an object structure without affecting any existing visitor. And you know how painful it can be to extend an existing application – in majority of cases it will be necessary to change existing code which responsibility  and implementation is already closed, developed and tested.

public class MySomeObjectAVisitor : IVisitor<SomeObjectA>
   public void Visit(SomeObjectA a)
       // Algorithm comes here

public class MySomeObjectBVisitor : IVisitor<SomeObjectB>
   public void Visit(SomeObjectB b)
       // Algorithm comes here

The Problem

If you look for acyclic visitor implementation examples it always comes into casting to concrete visitor type:

class SomeObjectA : BaseObject
  public override void Accept(IVisitor visitor)
     // Coupling
     if (visitor is IVisitor<MySomeObject>) 
       // Casting

In this post I will try to give an implementation which overcomes above limitations by extending acyclic visitor with repository and unit of work patterns.


In the following solution I chose to use unity for IoC container and FakeItEasy for dynamic mocking.


So lets start with definition of the object structure. I will use Shape class as an abstract class with Box, Circle and Canvas derived classes, while Canvas is a composition of any shapes. Composition pattern is an important part of the structure because implementation of it visitor is most trickiest part.

public abstract class Shape

public class Box : Shape
    public double Side { get; set; }

public class Canvas : Shape, IEnumerable<Shape>
    private readonly List<Shape> _shapes = new List<Shape>();

    public double Height { get; set; }

    public double Width { get; set; }

    public void Add(Shape s)

    public IEnumerator<Shape> GetEnumerator()
        return _shapes.GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

OK, now we have an objects structure, thus let’s define visitor interface:

public interface IVisitor<in T>
    void Visit(T to);

Now when it comes to a visitor pattern we have to implement some functionality for each object type in the hierarchy. So lets implement the visitors which can draw the objects using some IGraphics interface.

class BoxDrawVisitor : IVisitor<Box>
    private readonly IGraphics _graphics;

    public BoxDrawVisitor(IGraphics graphics)
        _graphics = graphics;

    public void Visit(Box to)

    public void Dispose()
This one is simple, giving Box instance we can call some magic operation on IGraphics interface which will draw the data on the device. Nice things starts here where it is needed to iterate on shapes inside the canvas:

class CanvasDrawVisitor : IVisitor<Canvas>
    private readonly IGraphics _graphics;
    private readonly IVisitor<Shape> _visitor;

    public CanvasDrawVisitor(IVisitor<Shape> visitor, IGraphics graphics)
        _visitor = visitor;
        _graphics = graphics;

    public void Visit(Canvas to)
        _graphics.DrawRectangle(to.Height, to.Width);

        foreach (Shape shape in to)

    public void Dispose()
Basically, canvas is an composition of shapes, and it is necessary to visit all of them. It may end up with coupling of different visitors implementations. To prevent it IVisitor<Shape> is introduced here. It’s kind of “abstract” visitor which should know which concrete visitor should be used based on the concrete type of the shape we got in the foreach loop. This “abstract” visitor is the resolution of the problem, so how it can be implemented? Before going there let’s see how this concept can be used in this Unit Test as an example:
public void TestDrawBox()
    Box b = new Box {Side = 5};

    IVisitor<Shape> visitor = _container.Resolve<IVisitor<Shape>>("Draw");

    A.CallTo(() => _graphics.DrawBox(5)).MustHaveHappened();
To apply some operation one can resolve visitor from the container which is capable to deal with virtually any shape while its concrete visitor is registered within the container. I decided to use registration names to distinguish visitors for the same objects but implementing different functionality:

public void TestDrawBox()
    Box b = new Box {Side = 5};

    IVisitor<Shape> visitor = _container.Resolve<IVisitor<Shape>>("Draw");

    A.CallTo(() => _graphics.DrawBox(5)).MustHaveHappened();

OK, we have a container defined with visitors implementations for every concrete shape type. But wait, what about this “abstract” visitor, isn't it registered as well? As you may already guessed VisitorContainerExtension is responsible for creating it. 

public class VisitorContainerExtension<T> : UnityContainerExtension
    protected override void Initialize()

internal class VisitorBuilderStrategy<T> : BuilderStrategy
    public override void PreBuildUp(IBuilderContext context)
        Type typeToBuild = context.BuildKey.Type;
        if (typeToBuild.IsGenericType && typeof (IVisitor<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T)) == typeToBuild)
            AbstractVisitor<T> abstractVisitor = new AbstractVisitor<T>(context);

            context.Existing = abstractVisitor;

            context.AddResolverOverrides(new DependencyOverride(typeToBuild, abstractVisitor));
Every time IVisitor<Shape> will be resolved on the unity container AbstractVisitor<Shape> instance will be created with current build context and this instance will be added to the resolution context to prevent creation of additional instance in case some class implementation depends on IVisitor<Shape>. This is the case for CanvasDrawVisitor for example. Thus, going back to the test above, the resolution line 

IVisitor<Shape> visitor = _container.Resolve<IVisitor<Shape>>("Draw");

will create instance of AbstractVisitor<Shape> thanks to VisitorBuilderStrategy which is registered on container. The last thing we have to see is the AbstractVisitor class implementation:

class AbstractVisitor<T> : IVisitor<T>
    private readonly IBuilderContext _context;
    public AbstractVisitor(IBuilderContext context)
        _context = context;

    public void Visit(T to)
        Type concreteShapeType = to.GetType();

        // Construct generic visitor type for concrete shape type
        Type concreteVisitorType = typeof(IVisitor<>).MakeGenericType(concreteShapeType);

        object concreteVisitor = _context.NewBuildUp(new NamedTypeBuildKey(concreteVisitorType, _context.BuildKey.Name));

            // Invoke
            concreteVisitorType.InvokeMember("Visit", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, concreteVisitor, new object[] { to });
        catch(TargetInvocationException ex)
            throw ex.InnerException;

    public void Dispose()
Here Visit method receives the concrete shape type which should be visited. The only thing AbstractVisitor should do is to resolve the registered concrete visitor implementation, like BoxDrawVisitor for instance, and delegate Visit call to the concrete visitor. For that meter concrete visitor type is constructed and then build context is used for construction which will preserve all ResolveOverride that you may provide to the initial resolve method call, like in test below. It is important to mention that initial BuildKey.Name is reused to resolve concrete visitors.

public void TestMagnifyAndThenDrawCircle()
    Circle c = new Circle {Radius = 5};

    var magnificationVisitor = _container.Resolve<IVisitor<Shape>>("Magnify", new ParameterOverride("ratio", 2D));
    var drawVisitor = _container.Resolve<IVisitor<Shape>>("Draw");

    c.Accept(magnificationVisitor, drawVisitor);

    A.CallTo(() => _graphics.DrawCircle(10)).MustHaveHappened();


In this article I showed how acyclic visitor may be implemented by using dependency injection container preventing coupling between visitors and downcast on Accept method implementations.

Source Code

The source code is licensed under Code Project Open License (CPOL) 1.02

Complete source code can be found here:



Friday, February 12, 2010

Best practices using IDisposable

Recently I had some mess with resources leak in some .Net system that was caused by miss use of IDisposable objects.

In this post you can find brief summary of disposable objects use cases. Hope it will help to write better code.

Disposable as parameter

public void ReadYourPart(Stream data)
 // Read from stream   
 // And leave it opened, do not dispose it

In this case I would like to consider function that receives some disposable resource as parameter, stream in example above. Since it is impossible to know the scope where this resource must be available you don’t want to dispose it. Just live it alone when you finished.

Disposable as class member

If you have to write class with disposable member you must add implementation of IDisposable interface to your class.

public class MyClass : IDisposable
  private IDisposable resource;
  public MyClass(IDisposable resource)
    this.resource = resourse;



Here responsibility to dispose the resource is delegated to the user of MyClass via it dispose method.


And finally if you instantiating IDisposable so you are responsible to dispose it. And of course the best way to use using clause.

using (Stream data = new FileStream("data.dat", FileMode.Open))
   // dara usage comes here

I would also call dispose for resource returned by some function like in example below:

using (IDisposable someResource = factory.OpenResource())
   // resource usage comes here

Happy coding!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Tasks, TaskScheduler and new Thread Pool in .Net 4.0

Another item in list of newly added threading primitives in .Net 4.0 is a Task. It represents asynchronous operation which execution is controlled by TaskScheduler. In this post I will try to analyze task and scheduler capabilities.


First of all lets look how can we use Task. For this propose I changed some code from previous post to use Task instead of thread pool mechanism:

  1. public void TestBarrier()
  2. {
  3. Barrier barrier = new Barrier(3, b =>
  4. {
  5. Console.WriteLine("Phase {0} completed", b.CurrentPhaseNumber);
  6. });
  7. Task task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Worker(new WorkerInfo { WorkTime = 400, Name = "First", ParticipiantPhaces = 4, Barrier = barrier }));
  8. Task task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Worker(new WorkerInfo { WorkTime = 600, Name = "Second", ParticipiantPhaces = 3, Barrier = barrier }));
  9. Task task3 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Worker(new WorkerInfo { WorkTime = 500, Name = "Third", ParticipiantPhaces = 2, Barrier = barrier }));
  10. Task.WaitAll(task1, task2, task3);
  11. Console.WriteLine("Barrier done.");
  12. }

Lines 8-10 creates and schedules three tasks each of them will execute Worker function. First difference is that task is initialized by Action or Func<TResult> delegates in opposite to thread pool WaitCallBack delegate. It means that there are two types of tasks: first one initialized by Action that does it work and does not returns any values, and another one initialized by Func<TResult> that will return some value. Thus, if task is initialized by Func<TResult> new instance of Task<TResult> is created which contains Result property. When task is finished value returned by Func delegate will be stored in the task and can be obtained from Result property. Both types of tasks contains Exception property that will store an exception thrown by the worker delegates. If exception is not thrown Exception property will return null.


Next important tasks feature is synchronization. Task contains two static methods WaitAll and WaitAny that acts exactly like WaitHandle.WaitAll and WaitHandle.WaitAny. That means that there is built-in tasks synchronization mechanism. Line 12 shows how it is simple to block until all executed functions are finished.


So, let’s understand what happens when task is started, by StartNew function for example. Task execution is controlled by TaskScheduler associated to current synchronization context. Actually task scheduler is an abstract class and it is up to its implementation to decide how task will be executed.

protected internal abstract void QueueTask(Task task)

When new task is started task scheduler QueueTask method is called. Now scheduler have to decide what to do. Default scheduler will execute tasks in same manner as thread pool did it before. But now task scheduler can be replaced by user implementation. There is good sample in MSDN, showing dedicated thread pool implementation which executes all queued tasks turn by turn in one thread.


Task provides very comfortable and tunable parallel programming mechanism. However it is important to note that user can’t assume that Task he executes will really run in parallel. That's why it is very bad idea to block task execution in any way, i.e. lock or wait. The best practice to use task for any independent operation that doesn’t need to access any shared resources.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

To the Barrier!

This post starts the series of .Net Framework 4.0 and C# 4.0 new features reviews. Since I working a lot with concurrency, I choose to start from System.Threading base class library.  Framework 4.0 will contain many useful threading tools, one of them is Barrier class.


Assume that you have to implement algorithm which can be divided into series of independent phases where result  of each will be used by next one. That means next algorithm phase can not be started before previous one is finished. These days almost every desktop have at least two cores, so it can be good idea to add concurrency to phase computation. If this scenario looks familiar, you will be glad to hear that now is will be pretty easy to synchronize between concurrent phases by using Barrier class.

Some Code

Next code snippet contains Barrier usage example. Here barrier is used to synchronize between three worker threads. In constructor it is possible to specify how much participants barrier will synchronize  and provide handler that will be executed after each phase is completed. When phase is completed worker signals to the barrier and waits until all workers are done. When number of phases worker have to participate is over it is possible to notify barrier that worker is no longer participating by calling RemoveParticipant method.

public class WorkerInfo
    public int WorkTime { get; set; }
    public int ParticipiantPhaces { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Barrier Barrier { get; set; }

public class BarrierTest
    public void Test()
        ManualResetEventSlim ev = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

        Barrier barrier = new Barrier(3, b =>
                                                Console.WriteLine("Phase {0} completed", b.CurrentPhaseNumber);
                                                if (b.CurrentPhaseNumber >= 3) ev.Set();

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Worker, new WorkerInfo
            WorkTime = 400,
            Name = "First",
            ParticipiantPhaces = 4,
            Barrier = barrier

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Worker, new WorkerInfo
            WorkTime = 600,
            Name = "Second",
            ParticipiantPhaces = 3,
            Barrier = barrier

        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Worker, new WorkerInfo
            WorkTime = 500,
            Name = "Third",
            ParticipiantPhaces = 2,
            Barrier = barrier

        // No direct way to syncronize with barrier
        // It may be good idea to add barrier.WaitForZeroParticipiants(timeout)


    private void Worker(object state)
        WorkerInfo info = state as WorkerInfo;

        for (int i = 0; i < info.ParticipiantPhaces; i++)
            // Do the work

            Console.WriteLine("{0} done.", info.Name);



Console Output


OK, phases are separated and workers are synchronized.

Wish List

It can be good idea to add method to wait until all participants will finish and eliminate ManualResetEvent usage.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Visual Studio 2010 beta 1

Today I downloaded VS2010 beta 1.

Installation process takes about 3 hours on my Lenovo T60 (3GB, dual core) and it requires to restart the system about 4 times.

OK, it is the first look on VS2010 IDE.

It runs pretty fast for beta software. After clicking on almost every button it still running... :)

OK, so it is the time to open new project on .Net Framework 4.0

In next posts I will cover new .Net 4 features with code samples.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hello, World!

Hello, World!

It's my first post! Finally, I decided to start blogging on profession related things. And since my day by day work is writing in .Net /C# I would like to share with you my experience.

I hope this blog will be regular and I am looking forward to discuss any .Net related issues here.

See you!